You keep looking at this investigation as if it is a criminal case in court. It is not.
The government has seen ample evidence that makes them concerned enough to ask JW to investigate.
If their were clear evidence of illegal activities JW NL would be dragged to court indeed.
This investigation not about criminal activities.
It is about trying to make sure that JW policies are adequate in supporting victims and preventing child abuse in the first place.
The criminal part is for the DA's office.
You eagerness to defend JW and I guess the "everyone is out to get JW" mind set stops you fro looking at this as a process in which JW NL can improve themselves.
Do you think JW policies re. child abuse are somewhat flawed? Do you think JW can improve their policies and practices with help from non-JW experts?
Or do you think JW abuse policies are perfect? Do you think other organizations can learn from how JW supports victims and protects children?
If the answer to any of the above questions is yes, an independent investigation would help improve either JW or 'the world'.
I don't know why anyone would be against that.